Author: admin
Mobile Advertising Is the Future
Companies see mobile ads as essential to their future, since they’re the best and sometimes only way to reach consumers.
How to Write a Mission Statement
Every company should have a mission statement that serves as a corporate compass inspiring and guiding company leaders and employees. When done right, mission statements can keep employees on the same page and help company leaders navigate a company through good times and bad. Here are six tips to help…
New Tax Provision with New Healthcare Law
The health care reform includes a number of new taxes and other revenue-increasing changes. The legislation also made several health care–related changes to the Code to benefit certain taxpayers, including a credit to offset part of the costs of health insurance for low- to middle-income individuals and families and a…
Restaurant Employee Training that Sticks
This short video from the DVD “60 Second Lessons in Leadership” discusses how to get the most from your training program design and delivery. You’ll learn about the two common enemies of training and how to better connect with your trainees.
Look Out Taxpayers! Bond Bombs Are Dropping!
Taxpayers across the country have been stuck with the tab on several bonds. Basically, they have to pay when certain enterprises can no longer pay their debts. So how did this happen? Typically, officials sign taxpayers up unknowingly to backstop the bonds of independent authorities, the special bodies of government…
Home Sales Reach Two-Year High
While other parts of the nation’s economy cools, demand for new homes still rise as mortgage rates drop. Purchases climbed to a 369,000 annual rate, the most since April 2010 and up 7.6 percent from the prior month.
Sorry Marketers, You’re Doing Twitter Wrong
Most marketers are tweeting too much on the wrong days, not using hashtags enough and not asking for retweets — according to a new study looking at how marketers use Twitter.
What Should Auditors Disclose to Investors?
The IAASB is investigating whether auditors should include more information in the final audit reports to investors. The board recently made improving auditor disclosure to investors its top priority after the financial crisis.
If the Government Were a Business, It Would Fail
Last month in Washington, CPAs translated federal finances into terms that the general public could understand. Even with much controversy and indecision in Congress, the AICPA is not taking sides in a political debate over fixes.
Get Your Favorite Food Anytime, Anywhere
Many companies are jumping on the vending machine bandwagon. Chips, candy, and soda have some new competition. Charles Nelson, cofounder of Sprinkles cupcake chain, says, “We pay rent 24 hours a day. Why not be able to sell our product 24 hours a day?”