Author: admin

  • Is Your Business Prepared For A Natural Disaster?

    Recent floods and other natural disasters show why it’s important for small-business owners to be prepared. Here are tips to help you weather the storms.

  • 10 Bad Habits That Make You Look Really Unprofessional

    The truth is, nobody’s perfect. We’re all prone to semi-conscious verbal foul-ups that make us look totally unprofessional. That’s why we all need a reminder now and then. Here are 10 examples of similar things to avoid.

  • IRS Reminds Tax-Exempts About Filing Deadline

    Many tax-exempt organizations must file 990-series information returns by May 15. The IRS cautions these groups against including Social Security numbers or other unneeded personal information on 990s.

  • 6 Improvements For Filing Your Freelance Taxes Next Year

    It’s not easy being a freelancer or small business owner around tax time; you need to make sure you have correctly filed each form, itemized each deduction and have sufficient records to back things up, should you be audited. Here are six common areas to consider as we move forward…

  • How To Help Your Team Bounce Back From Failure

    No one likes to fail. And while we all know the importance of learning from mistakes, both individuals and teams can struggle to bounce back from big blunders. Whether it was a project that didn’t meet its targets or an important deadline that you all missed, what can you do…

  • The Small-Business Guide To Team Building

    Want a strong and innovative team for your business? These five strategies can help you put together a group that will help your business reach its goals.

  • Why Your Bonus Check Is Taxed So High

    Do you wonder why your bonus check was a lot lower than you expected? It comes down to what’s called “supplemental income.” Although your earned dollars are equal at tax time, when bonuses are issued, they’re considered supplemental income by the IRS and held to a higher withholding rate.

  • 7 Ways To Maximize Productivity On Your Daily Commute

    Your commute to and from work can still be a productive hour of your work day. One way to maximize your drive time is by listening to business solutions or industry specific podcasts, webinars, and audiobooks. Many of these are easily accessible and can be downloaded for free.

  • 3 Opening Remarks To Use On Your Next Sales Call

    For those who make frequent sales calls, it can be hard to be creative, especially if you make dozens of calls per day. Avoid falling into the habit of just explaining who you are and what your company does. Try these other ways to be creative and more engaging when…

  • 15 Ways To Invite An IRS Audit

    This one may be a no brainer, but “being super wealthy” increases your chance of an IRS audit. The IRS sees those with high incomes as opportunities to uncover dollars owed. Also, hiding off-shore accounts invites an audit. Remember, it’s not illegal to have them, but it is illegal not…