Author: admin

  • What All Businesses Can Learn From Disney

    Disney’s return rate of first time visitors is 70 percent. How do they do it? Find out how Disney has been able to wow and captivate their customers for decades.

  • U.S. Unemployment Rate Remains Flat

    Despite adding 217,000 new jobs in May, the U.S. unemployment rate remains unchanged at 6.3 percent. Economists say it hasn’t changed as two million people have been added to the workforce since the recession.

  • 32 Ways To Manage Your Employees Right

    Managing employees with diverse personalities and a wide range of responsibilities can be difficult and overwhelming. Here are tips from 32 small-business owners, who were honored at National Small Business Week, on how to successfully manage your entire staff.

  • Restaurant Same-Store Sales Continue To Grow

    Same-store sales grew by 0.3 percent in May, making it three consecutive months of positive growth for the industry. Positive results are expected for the remainder of the year.

  • 10 Areas To Improve To Be A Great Leader

    No matter how great a leader you are, there is always room to grow and be better. Here are ten areas you can improve on to become a more effective leader.

  • U.S. Recovers Jobs Lost In Crisis

    Economists expect that the U.S. economy will have added 200,000 jobs in May. This is well-above the 113,000 job break.

  • Should You Refinance Your Small Business Loan?

    Small business owners don’t always know what questions to ask to protect their interests when deciding if they should refinance their loans. Here are five questions you should ask to make sure refinancing is your best option.

  • Several Problems In Broker-Dealer Audits

    The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board continues to find an unacceptably high degree of problems in the audits of broker dealers as auditors transition to the new PCAOB standards. The PCAOB plans to issue staff guidance to help them better transition.